fredag 4 september 2009

A mommy to be...

... that's me!!!

I'm pregnant with 15 weeks and 2 days and it feels wonderful! I've been nautious a whole lot and having a hard time gaining weight, but im plussing on the scale and it's nothing to be worried about, I just thought I'd be bigger... Fortunately I havn't had as many "bad days" as before, but I was expecting to feel great after week 12, as they say... I can honestly say that I am frightened that I might be one of those that feel nautious throughout my entire pregnancy, but I certainly hope that I won't!

I've dreamt about me being a mom to a boy three times, twice he was a newborn and yesterday he was about 11 having a giant birthday party and he wasn't very happy so I was talking to him to cheer him up...

I don't know the gender yet, but I'm having an ultra sound september 14th and I'm very excited about that, I hope that they can see what gender so I can start buying stuff. And I am looking for an apartment but I have to come up with some creative way of looking or else I think my chances are slim. But I do have some time, the estimated birth isn't until february 24th, and I'm still stressed out! Not about the birth or anything like that, just the finding- a-home-for-me-and-my-baby-situation. I like living with my graqndmother for the most part, I help her with stuff and if she needs I can call an ambulance, but I really need my space and some quietness but it's hard with an outgoing and very social grandmother like mine! Her phone is always ringing and she has both friends that come to visit often and nurses that comes over twice a day a few days per week... Im looking for apartments close to her so it won't be such a big difference and so I can help her and visit her often.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Hi!
    Many congratulations!!
    Guess what, I am also pregnant, 25 weeks now.
    Good luck for ultrasound and apartment-hunting!
    Take good care of yourself and the baby!
    J ^_^
    (a friendly stranger who you might or might not remeber.)

  2. Hi!!!
    I'm wondering if you´re a person I've met or not. If yes, I'm pretty sure I know who. If not, I'm still happy for you and I wish you all the happiness and health in the world!

    Congratulations to you too!!!
    When is your due date, and do you know what gender? =)


  3. Yes, we have met, several times last year. So are you sure you guessed right? ;D
    Anyway, my due date is in december and no, I don't know what gender. It will be a pleasant surprise either way.
    How are you feeling now? everything alright?

  4. Hi cutie J!

    I'm pretty sure I guessed right!!! Does an e follow that J? =P
    I'm feeling fantastic and I really hope you are too! I cant believe you want it as a surprise (or so I think) because I am dying to know so I can start buying stuff! I have a feeling it's a boy so the stuff I've bought have been more suitable for a little guy haha.

    How has your pregnancy been? Any nausea? I was in bed almost every day for 3,5 months and very fatigue but now I feel great most of the time!

    Kisses and hugs to you and the baby!

  5. Hi, that's really impressive that you guessed right! I have been feeling great all the way, a little bit nausea i the beginning but it wasn't longer than 6,7 weeks and it was over. Today I have exactly 100 days left till the baby comes. It's not that I didn't want to find out, but it was hard to see, så we have to wait until the next ultrasound. That's also why we haven't bought much, just some startpaket of clothing and a baby carriage.
    I was reading about your ultrasound, nice to hear that everything goes well. I understand your thoughts about abortion in the beginning. It's not easy to be a single mother and when life is not at its best. But I truly believe that having a baby is just the inspiration you need in life. You are such a loving person and obviously you love kids. I am sure that you will make a great mother and your baby will have a good life ahead of him/her. You can when you really put your mind to it and I have faith in you!
    Lots of lov from J and her baby ^_^


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Malmö, Skåne, Sweden
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